Category: Legal Services
At Rockpoint Legal Funding, we are fully staffed throughout the holidays to assist with clients' funding needs — either pre-settlement or post-settlement.

Demanding $2 million in damages when the defendant only carries $1 million in coverage can be an exercise in futility

Even if a client is insured, a high deductible can make it quite difficult to afford critical diagnostic procedures, such as MRIs.

Instead of being pressured to agree to a monetary settlement just so your client has the funds to quickly receive necessary medical treatment, there is another option—arrange for medical care now and defer paying medical bills until after the case settles.

While settlement talks are underway, some doctors will agree to perform medical procedures and defer payment until a settlement is reached. A lien is placed on the settlement and medical bills are paid after the settlement is funded.

Rockpoint offers options and ensures there are no unnecessary delays in treatment.

Some doctors and medical facilities are willing to provide treatment and care and defer payment until after a personal injury settlement.

Not every doctor or surgical center will agree to a medical lien arrangement.
Settlement funding can payoff medical liens for such procedures as spinal cord stimulators.

When the unthinkable happens—a loved one suffers a catastrophic injury—the cost for care can be astronomical. That's where pre-settlement funding comes in.

Until their settlement funds arrive, injured clients and their families are still responsible for daily living expenses that can quickly add up.

Pre-settlement funding companies work with plaintiff attorneys to determine the likelihood of a favorable plaintiff settlement before offering an advance.

Repayment to the funding company takes place once the case settles.

Personal injury laws enable car accidents victims to seek compensation for their injuries, current and future lost wages, property damage, general pain and suffering and other damages.

The last thing plaintiffs need in this situation is a delay in funding. Prompt funding can mean the difference between keeping financial obligations current and drowning in debt.

Some litigation funding companies advertise low-interest rates (2% to 4%) but if you read the fine print, you see that these are monthly rates (not annual rates) and many charge high origination, case handling and underwriting fees--often burying fee verbiage in the small print of the contract.
An initial pre-settlement advance to cover a client's short-term expenses may not be sufficient when a case drags on
A pre-settlement funding agreement should not be another confusing document that your client has to decipher
Plaintiffs who can't work because of an injury can often quickly run through their savings while waiting for their case to navigate through the legal system. Borrowing funds to cover living expenses is often out of the question and impractical.

Some settlement funding companies demand that all client signatures be notarized before funds can be released.